Support for the passage of Smoking (Public Health) Amendment Bill 2019

21 Oct 2021
The Hong Kong Society for Public Health Nursing welcomes the passage of the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2019 in the Legislative Council today to prohibit new forms of tobacco products from entering Hong Kong market. The legislative amendment signifies an important milestone of Hong Kong’s tobacco control efforts. It is also a remarkable achievement for the hard work of the Hong Kong medical and health sector during the legislative process. 
With the introduction of the legislation to ban new forms of tobacco products to enter Hong Kong, the health of the young people and the general population could be better safeguard against the hazardous effects of tobacco and nicotine dependence. Our Association will continue our efforts in supporting the Government’s tobacco control work to protect the public health, with the aim of further reducing the overall smoking prevalence and eliminating the harm of tobacco to Hong Kong people.