The birth of the Hong Kong Society for Public Health Nursing (HKSPHN) on 25 February, 2011 heralded the formation of a professional organization in the history of public health nursing in Hong Kong. I was greatly honored to be elected as its first President. 


Having served the community as a public health nurse (PHN) for more than twenty-three years, I feel privileged to have participated in the growth and development of public health nursing in Hong Kong.  Evolved from the practice of Health Visitors originated from the United Kingdom since the early 1950s, public health nursing has established itself as a specialized stream of nursing practice in the community unbounded by hospital walls.  PHNs serve the community via various public health nursing services. These are tailored to meeting the various health needs of the individual throughout their life stages from cradle to grave. For the past decades, PHNs have been professionally prepared to deliver quality care to the public via these services.  Hence, they have been contributing as a key member of the public health care team in protecting and promoting the health of the public at large. The developmental history and the scope of public health nursing services are well presented on the official websites of the Department of Health.


For the past decade, the nursing profession in Hong Kong has endeavored to establish a regulatory body for monitoring and promoting the standards and quality of advanced nursing practices in specialty areas. With the dedicated efforts of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Preparatory Committee, the ‘Provisional Hong Kong Academy of Nursing’ (PHKAN) has recently been formed and will be formally inaugurated on 12 May, 2012 in celebration of the International Nurses’ Day.  The HKSPHN is currently a member organization of its ‘Hong Kong College of Community and Public Health Nursing’ (HKCCPHN). It strives to contribute to PHKAN’s work in relation to the regulation and development of advanced practice in the public health nursing specialty. In concerted efforts with all fellow nurses, health care professionals and related stakeholders, the HKSPHN is destined to realizing its vision and mission for the benefits of both the profession and the public as a whole. Nevertheless, we need the unfailing support of all public health nurses and all those involved in order to grow and prosper. We look forward to establishing a network of communication and mutual support with our counterparts locally, nationally and internationally in advancing the art and science of public health nursing in the years to come. 


Anne Marie WONG (Ms)
2011 - 2013
The Hong Kong Society for Public Health Nursing