Membership Categories:


Category Eligibility and Benefits Subscription fee
Full Member
  • Registered Nurse who has recognised public health nursing or related education/training or whose area of responsibility is involved in public health nursing or related practice;
  • Have voting rights and is eligible for election to the Committee
  • Shall enjoy all the privileges and benefits offered by the Society.
HK$100 per annum
Affiliated Member
  • Any person who is interested in public health nursing except those who are fulfilling the criteria of Full Members;
  • Shall enjoy all the privileges of Full Members except that they shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings and not eligible for election to the Committee.
HK$80 per annum
Life Full Member
  • Qualified Full Member;
  • Have paid a one-time subscription equal to ten times the annual subscription for Full Member;
  • Shall enjoy all the rights, privileges and benefits of Full Member offered by the Society. 
Life Affiliated Member
  • Qualified Affiliated Member;
  • Have paid a one-time subscription equal to ten times the annual subscription for Affiliated Member;
  • Shall enjoy all the privileges and benefits of Affiliated Member offered by the Society. 
Honorary Member
  • A person invited by the Committee who has exceptional contribution to the Society or public health nursing;
  • Shall enjoy all the privileges of Full Members except that they shall not be entitled to vote and not eligible for election to the Committee.


Application for Membership

Please read the following notes carefully before filling in the Application Form for Membership:


  1. Please complete the Application Form in English (except the Chinese name if any) and in block letters.
  2. Please tick the appropriate box.
  3. In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the use of the personal particulars will be restricted to the Society only.
  4. Please send the completed form with a crossed cheque / payment slip and made payable to “The Hong Kong Society for Public Health Nursing Limited” to PO Box 28482, Gloucester Road Post Office or via Faster Payment System FPS ID: 169256476 and email to:
  5. To be environmentally friendly, no membership card will be issued. A receipt and a membership number will be sent to the individual member through email/mail once the application is accepted.
  6. Whenever a member pays the application fee, the annual membership always starts on 1 st April of the year till 31 st March of the following year.