Sharing of Research Knowledge by the Research Subcommitte



A sharing on the research article “The challenge of patient empowerment in hand hygiene promotion in health care facilities in Hong Kong”was cited. This was a pilot patient empowerment program in health promotion. The patient empowerment program on hand hygiene in public hospital s in Hong Kong was found to be well accepted by both patients and health care work er s . This program also significantly increased the volume of alcohol based handrub consumption by using this innovative idea (Cheng, et al., 2017)


Details of the research paper :


Objective of the study

To assess the knowledge on hand hygiene, perception, and acceptance of patient empowerment in hand hygiene promotion among hospitalized patients and health care workers (HCWs).



A quasi experimental study by comparing the baseline peri od and intervention period for four interventio n wards and three control wards in two extended care hospitals in the Hong Kong West Healthcare Region



Convenient sampling by selecting ward s with same specialties (i.e. medical a nd surgical wards)



Compliance in hand hygiene monitored by infection control nurses ( ICNs and alcohol consumption measured at monthly intervals during the study periods. The consum ption of alcohol based handrub was expressed as volume of alcohol consu mption per patient-day-per-ward


Data analysis

x2 test, t tes t, and McNemar’s test were used for pre and post comparison. A level of significance of 5% was used.


We are happy to share the article on the application of patient empowerment program in the field of hand hygiene promotion with members